Monday, October 21, 2013

What I wore to get tied to the radiator

(Sorry, I had just eaten so I look gross and bloated.)

Admittedly, these pictures are pretty shitty. So here's a better picture of my Nurse Emi-Chan cosplay from Dr. Kawaii from this summer:

Shot by Jeff Davis (

Anyways, as you can see I cut myself some bangs. They're a little long so I might trim them shorter. But they're nice and full. Which I am very, very glad for because of undisclosed events that happened Saturday night. Where did we go? I dunno, some place in San Francisco where we partied while wearing skanky costumes. I mean, how often does that even happen? ...Right guys? ............Right?

Highlights of my very short evening: grapes, hobo chase, bushes, cage, yoloswag in bathroom, "I'm going to blackout now".

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